It is a bacterial infection of lining of stomach after the contact with helicobacter bacteria. It is common estimation that more the half population of world is infected H pylori infection. Some people never realize that they have h pylori, until symptoms of peptic ulcer appear and doctor recommend a test for h pylori.
Common sign and symptoms include abdominal pain with burning that increases when the stomach is empty. Nausea, loss of appetite, frequent burping, bloating and weight loss or common indications of presence of h pylori. One should visit doctor immediately if abdominal pain increases, difficulty in swallowing or bloody vomiting or bloody motion starts.
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in gastric and intestinal problems too. Homeopathy reverse the symptoms of stomach issues with first few medicines. In Homeopathy all the symptoms are considered for the true finding of actual medicine. This treatment reduces the dependency of other antacids, painkillers and antibiotics.
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